Sean Adair

Digital Equipment

New Media or "Old" Media; Design is still aesthetics, and digital methods can sometimes accomplish a lot more for less effort.

First, some admissions. We've been burnt and sliced setting type with hot wax, inhaled lots of photo-chemical fumes, jam-synced reel-to-reel Nagra tapes to 16mm film, spilled ink, spot-retouched "final" output andf tweaked a lot of knobs and noses over the years.

Generally, it's great though. We love the media that affects our senses. Visual, aural, tactile - high art or pure function and so many ways to fuse sources into something fresh.

We weren't dragged into computers kicking and screaming though. They've been bubbling into dreams here since the mid 1980's. Amigas, Windows, Macs, and now a firm relationship with Mac OS X. Piece by piece the accomplishments have become reality and enabled us to offer output often superior to the vast analog studios that still try to dominate the media industry.