Shiny discs*. Could be priceless, could be toast.

Just about every active computer reads them, most new systems can burn them too. With DVD video the standard, and Blu-ray staking a claim now, we'll likely have something similar around for years.

We are delivering and archiving the media we produce on disc every day. We also have the capability of producing interactive interfaces, photo portfolios, audio mastering, and data with mac, PC, ISO 9660 and hybrid formats. Video cd's that play back on most dvd players and computers, Quicktime movie disks that look great on virtually every computer.

Of course, if you want video on disk, DVD is the way to fly these days, and we can provide disks with a navigational interface and custom elements with video quality that outshines VHS copies by so far it's like night and day.

Package design, small runs of product, master preparation for bulk replication and consultation for your own systems are all available.

We produce video DVD's on the Mac using the lastest apps. Solutions range from $250 (short, simple, but still custom authored) to complex multi feature productions. Yes, it is possible to quickly make a short HD presentation disc, with some caveats.

Call us to arrange a viewing or to discuss your needs.

*FACTOID: “Compact disc” is spelled with a “C” because that’s how its inventors decided it should be rendered; but a computer hard disk is spelled with a “K” In modern technological contexts, “disks” usually reproduce data magnetically, while “discs” (CD-ROMs, DVDs, etc.) reproduce it “optically,” with lasers.