Film & Video Digital Design
Art Photography Stock Photography Assignment Photography Modification Photography Portfolio Photography

The decisive moment, the eternal icon, the mote in mind's eye.

Two areas of expertise bring clients to choose me over the throngs of qualified photographers in NYC. One is for those needing an artistic journalist; providing penetrating coverage of people, place and event that tell a complete story and please the eye with an optimization of lighting and combining elements into the frame.

The other is in the realm of pure art; used for a purpose and direction. Commercial art directors face a never ending quest to find powerful, expressive visual concepts for their projects, and the striking innovation of style and technique that characterizes the “Chameleon People” and other highly individual artwork is very open ended for conception and collaboration with suitable markets.

This is only a start however. Browse through stock images and galleries here to grasp the range of imagery that can be brought to your assignment - on location or in the studio.

I work in multiple formats:
I'm an early adapter of digital photography, and with my 3rd digital camera, the awesome Nikon D70, and my brace of Nikon mount lenses, I feel great power in capturing the images around me. The speed and customizable features, along with the ability to shoot hundreds of images and proof them immediately is exciting even to an old shutterbug like myself (Not THAT old!).

Shooting 35mm (Nikon bodies, 7 lenses from 14mm to 500mm), brings out years of experience with many film types, lens perspectives and mixed lighting along with techniques to work quickly in all types of environments with confidence.

I use medium format when quality is paramount, and the Mamiya 7 is my sytstem of choice for images that will be displayed large and where utmost image detail is required. The sharpness and resolution of this system's incredible lenses, and the camera's unique attributes have contributed to new directions in my work since 1998.

Of course, even with film, digital post-manipulation is still a very practical option, and one of my areas of specialty.